Home of the Adventures
We are so excited that you have joined the Escuela Hispana Montessori family. We follow the Creative Curriculum: Teaching Strategies Gold which is a developmentally appropriate curriculum from infancy to pre-kindergarten.
In the Preschool classrooms we will create wonderful learning opportunities and experiences to help your child foster and master the following skills which includes but are not limited to the following: help to make and follow a few simple rules, talk with other children in pairs and in groups, enjoy simple pretend play, alone and with others, participate in match and memory games, solve 8-10 piece puzzles, dress themselves and use large fasteners, use tools to draw simple shapes and objects, participate in conversations with adults, tell simple stories as they look at pictures and books, make and test predictions. strengthen eye and hand coordination movements (for example, threading beads on laces, manipulating snaps and zippers). Use speech that is easy to understand; increase their ability to listen and to speak; begin to make sense of basic time concepts (for example before and after); learn print concepts such as reading a page from front to back, gather information about the world and use all of their senses to explore and investigate.
We have compiled a list of materials and items that are needed to make your child’s day run smoothly.
Here are the following items are needed at the start of your child’s school day:
Change of clothes (2 long sleeve and 2 short sleeve shirts, sweaters, 1 pair of pants or 1 skirt, 2 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of underwear)
Crib sheet and blanket-to be taken home and laundered at the end of your child’s school week
Book bag
Pencil case
Family photos
We also ask that you label your child’s belongings with his/her first and last name to avoid confusion. I have attached the daily schedule for your review. Please adhere to the schedule. We are preparing your child for a successful school day. Please try to be here before 9:15am so that your child has an opportunity to participate and engage in the learning experience.
Thank you,
Preschool Teaching Team